Na In-woo and Park Min-young star in marriage error drama “Marry My Husband.”
K-drama fans may have noticed that 2024 is not a good year for “happily ever after” stories. This year, K-drama couples discover that wedding rings don’t guarantee happiness, a big departure from storylines a year ago, which favored forever romance. The dramatic increase in divorce-related dramas may not reflect current real-life trends. Although the divorce rate in South Korea increased sharply between 1990 and 2017, the divorce rate in 2023 was similar to the previous year.
However, quite a few 2024 dramas feature divorce as a theme – whether the storyline involves filing for divorce, working as a divorce lawyer, or trying to save a broken marriage. drama good partner Set in a divorce law firm, Jang Nara’s lawyer character is going through her own divorce, and each episode touches on another legal or emotional aspect of a marriage’s breakdown. exist good partner and some other plays——bittersweet hell, benign enterprise and marry my husband—Adultery is the leading cause of divorce. Husbands are terrible in these dramas.
in suspense thrillers bitter sweet hell Kim Hee Sun shocked by husband’s infidelity. Not only did she survive the emotional blow, she thrived and earned the respect of her critical mother-in-law. exist benign enterprise Kim So-yeon discovers her husband is cheating on her and her life would be better without him. She teams up with other women in the village to start a risky but lucrative business.
Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Ji Won got married for love, but they drifted apart in “Queen of Tears”.
Park Min Young’s star marry my husband, On his deathbed, he learned that his husband had cheated on her, but luckily found a way to go back to the past, proactively taking care of herself and ensuring that he married someone else. Lee Bo Young plays a prosecutor who discovers her husband’s cheating and gets involved in suspicious incidents. When he disappears, she searches for him, but not to restore their relationship. In these dramas, husbands cheat, wives leave, and find happy endings either single or in new relationships.
There have been several K-drama marriages this year that almost ended in divorce, but all managed to work things out. Marriages about to divorce are mainly concentrated in queen of tears, Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Ji Won are a couple who are drifting apart. When the phone rings, Yoo Yeon-seok and his wife (played by Chae Soo-bin) are unable to communicate, partly due to her selective silence.
characters in Romance at home, When the drama begins, the two characters played by Ji Jin Hee and Kim Ji Soo are already divorced, but the possibility of a reconciliation resulting from the real estate deal is slim. These dramas of almost divorces and regretful divorces at least promise that once the characters figure out their true feelings, they’ll get back to their vows.
In “No Harvest, No Love”, Shin Min Ah and Kim Young Dae got married for money.
Divorce can make a character do crazy things. drama trunk In fact, Seo Hyun-jin started with the sentence “I got divorced 10 minutes ago.” Gong Yoo plays a man tortured by his feelings for his controlling ex-wife, who convinces him to enter into a one-year arranged marriage with another woman, played by Seo. An unhappy arranged marriage turned into a happy marriage No gain, no lovewhile another couple on the same show may get divorced.
Several of his TV series that year also featured non-traditional family arrangements, the family you choose, not the one you start with. Three friends and their two dads become a family family choice. Although adoption is not a new plot in Korean dramas, perfect family exExplore this topic in a whole new way, like buy killer and atypical family. Foster homes are characterized by There is no love without gain, Shin Min Ah’s character remains close to the foster child her mother adopted.
Mental health is another big topic in Korean dramas this year, perhaps reflecting changing attitudes in South Korea. Dr. Slump, A TV series about two doctors helping each other heal, airing in January 2024. With the help of supportive families, these characters face their problems and make positive changes.
Park Shin Hye and Park Hyung Sik play doctors in “Dr.” plummeted.
exist queen of tears Not only one character is in therapy, but one is on anti-anxiety medication. In BL drama jazz for two In time travel drama, a character undergoes therapy for depression cute runner The main character also suffers from depression. atypical family Comprised of superheroes suffering from a range of psychological issues that hinder their powers, from one sibling who is unable to fly due to compulsive eating, to another whose ability to time travel is hampered by depression. Recognizing the problem is the first step for these characters to gain control.
A teacher discusses antidepressants matter-of-factly hierarchy. exist bittersweet hell, The protagonist is a famous psychiatrist who provides marriage advice to women through her practice and broadcast. This advice may come in handy when she has to deal with the trauma of her own divorce. The role played by Gong Yoo in the drama trunk There was a medicine cabinet filled with prescription medications, including the anti-anxiety drug Zoloft.
bad memory eraser Focusing on the way trauma shapes characters, some of the characters in this show either see a therapist or a psychologist; Dear Hyeri Shin Hye Sun’s character develops an alternate personality in response to trauma. death game This isn’t the only suicide-themed drama in 2023-2024, but the fantasy narrative as a whole explores what leads a person to make a bad decision and the impact it can have on those left behind.
South Korea has produced many high-budget fantasy dramas, impressive thrillers, mysteries, and mixed-genre dramas in 2024, but it’s worth noting that many of this year’s stories skewed towards serious topics, belittling “happily ever after” ” charm, but also promotes the idea that it’s okay to ask for help.